Get active triggers
Lists active triggers based on query parameters.
Query Parameters
Comma-separated list of connected account IDs to filter triggers by. You can get these IDs from the id
field in the response of the GET /api/v1/connections
Comma-separated list of integration IDs to filter triggers by. You can get these IDs from the id
field in the response of the GET /api/v1/integrations
Comma-separated list of trigger IDs to filter triggers by. You can get these IDs from the id
field in the response of the GET /api/v1/triggers
Comma-separated list of trigger names to filter triggers by. You can get these names from the name
field in the response of the GET /api/v1/triggers
Page number for pagination. Starts from 1.
Number of items to return per page.
When set to true, includes disabled triggers in the response.
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