Get single app
Get app details
Path Parameters
Unique identifier (UUID) for the app
Short description about the app
Unique key/slug used to identify the app in URLs and API calls.
Human-readable display name of the app
The authentication schemes supported by the app. This contains all the fields and details needed to setup and configure auth for this app.
The categories of the app
The configuration documentation text of the app. This is deprecated and not used anywhere.
The documentation URL of the app, if available. Usually it's a link to the doc to setup and configure the app.
The documentation text of the app. This is deprecated and not used anywhere.
URL to the app's logo image, used for UI display
The metadata of the app
Indicates if the app is of no_auth
type. If this is true, you can directly use the app without creating any integration.
The status of the app. This is deprecated and not used anymore.
The test connectors available for the app. If this is not empty, it means composio allows you to setup this app without configuring and setting up your own auth app.
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